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Sunday, October 29, 2006

I Made it (For) Spark

Birdhouse made in signature Spark pink & green by Myrna, our fabulous accountant.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Wine & Craft Event: Stunning Stones Necklaces ~ 10.13.06

Pictured left to right, top to bottom: Amy C., Annmarie M., Erinne M., Marianne L., Suzanne P., Carolyn T. & Leann C., Christine M. & Clare S., Dot N. & Karen N., and Lori S. & Catherine M.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Wine & Craft Event: Luscious Long Necklaces ~ 10.06.06

Pictured left to right, top to bottom: Ariatna V., Anne C., Julie Y., Rhea L. and Vinette D., Lisa G., and Gwyneth C.

Stitch 'n Bitch Group ~ 10.04.06

Heather K. in her Icarus shawl which was made from a pattern from the Spring/Summer '06 Interweave Knits magazine.

Girls Night Out: Dyer Brown Architects ~ 10.04.06

Pictured left to right, top to bottom: Brigid, Alison S., Ashley D., Jenny P., Carol G., Kara H., Pamma, Patricia M., Rachel F., Tara K., and Heather S.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Wine & Craft Event: Luscious Long Necklaces ~ 09.29.06

Pictured left to right, top to bottom: Elizabeth and Larissa; Patty and Kristin; Eliza, Kathryn, and Michelle

Wine & Craft Event: Alluring Illusion Necklaces ~ 09.22.06

Pictured left to right, top to bottom: Brenna N., Erin L., Janet G., Jillian D., Katie S., Molly M., Pat A., Vanessa P., Lauren W. and Erin C., Vladimir (the first guy on our blog!), and Vladimir's necklace for his mom